Category Archives: Social Change

Live Internet Radio Interview Discusses “Writing to Make a Difference”

Join me and The Philantrepreneur Foundation Radio Show host Dr. Victoria Boyd. We discussed ‘being’ a Philantrepreneur, and how to effectively utilize and implement “Writing to Make a Difference” in your own work.

The show offered tips, strategies and insight to build your organizational capacity, win-win relationships, and community impact. It’s all valuable content for entrepreneurs or nonprofits.

Listen in and you’ll also get a glimpse of my own story and the heart of “Writing to Make a Difference”.

Check out my live interview  and don’t forget the archive of past shows with lots of other great guests!

This listener made my day:

“Wow! Thank you for your podcast series, especially your recent episode hosting Dalya Massachi. Wonderful, insightful, and inspiring conversation! Your podcast has already made a difference in my thinking! I’ve ordered a copy of Dalya’s book and look forward to reading it, as well as following the amazing work she’s doing.” – Aaron Culich




New 2-Minute Video: Juicy Writing Tips

If you’ve been following my work you probably already know that I love sharing tips on how to improve your social change writing. You may have been part of one of my webinars, read my book, “Writing to Make a Difference: 25 Powerful Techniques to Boost Your Community Impact,” or engaged with me in some other way.

I recently sat down with a colleague of mine, Paul Jolly. He produced a short video that offers a couple of juicy writing tips for engaging your reader. Check it out here:



NEW VIDEO: Top 6 Ways Grantwriters Are Strategic Leaders

KC_ laughingA few months ago, the Grant Professionals Association’s Heart of America chapter invited me to be the plenary speaker at their regional conference in Kansas City, MO. I was honored and pleased to present to such a respected group!

I spoke about the Top 6 Ways Grantwriters Are Strategic Leaders (whether they know it or not). The 6 are:


  1. You are passionate about your organization’s story and want to share it
  2. You plan ahead
  3. You “rally the troops” while staying calm, cool, and collected
  4. You ask the right questions and tell it like it is
  5. You see the big picture AND the devilish details and you polish them all
  6. You learn from rejection and know your limits

If you are a grant professional, you are perfectly positioned to help your organization plan strategically for its grantseeking future. You are the knowledgeable guide who can lead executive and program staff to design work that is attractive to grantmakers.

During my presentation, we discussed:

  • How to make sure everyone is on the same page (with the same purposes)
  • What questions to ask to get the information you need
  • Examples of strategizing with staff – before , during, or after the grant award

It was great to see people take notes, participate in group exercises, laugh at my jokes (!), and take away ideas they could really use.

Want to watch the 40-minute presentation (in a few segments)? You can do that right here:

By the way, if YOUR organization or association is looking for a customized presentation for an upcoming meeting (in person or online), please check out my work as a speaker HERE.



How to Get Beyond Copywriting Confusion

confusion2Do you write text (copy) for a social sector organization? I’m talking about a nonprofit, social enterprise, or similar group that has a social mission.

If so, you undoubtedly have a lot on your mind. What is the organization’s brand strategy? Who are its target markets? How can you explain the benefits it brings to the community?

It’s also your job to help the organization share information and enthusiasm about its work with interested people who may want to exchange their support (money, time, etc.) for the value the organization adds.

In the social sector, copywriting serves a dual purpose. It aims to both:

A)    Promote the organization as part of the solution to a social or environmental problem: It may work with community partners as part of a continuum of care or service, or in a coalition arrangement. If you understand how the organization fits into the mix, you can help identify its uniqueness and special contribution.


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Be More Relevant by Being More Responsive

[Dalya’s Note: This guest post was written by Kivi Leroux Miller and reprinted from her NonProfit Marketing Guide. She is the President of & EcoScribe Communications.]

I use the Six R’s of Relevant Messaging when I’m trying to help nonprofits create messaging that is more relevant to their participants, supporters, and influencers.

more relevant

I’ve shared some specific tips on how to make your communications feel more “Real Time“ and “Rewarding,” so today let’s look at being more “Responsive.”

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