FAQ’s Answered


I love it when clients ask me questions. Questions help me share exactly the information my listeners need to hear, and help me understand what is really on their minds. This in turn tells me more about how I can help them now and in the future.
Here are the top questions people have asked me (directly or indirectly) in my
workshops, coaching sessions, and casual conversations. You will find answers
throughout Writing to Make a Difference: 25 Powerful Techniques to Boost Your Community Impact:

  • Where do I begin?
  • How can I turn our many features (services or products) into benefits and a compelling brand?
  • What can we do to establish our organization’s credibility?
  • How can I adapt my writing to create strong relationships with different readers?
  • How can I spotlight my organization’s role in the community?
  • How can I develop my writer’s voice?
  • How can I manage cultural and class differences?
  • How can I overcome writer’s block?
  • How can I develop good writing habits?
  • How can I speed up my writing—or make more time for it?
  • How can I capture my reader’s attention quickly?
  • How can I make sure my writing is clear?
  • How can I choose active verbs and avoid passive ones?
  • Is there any special “lingo” I need to know (or unlearn)?
  • How can I make my writing fl ow better?
  • How can I come up with good closings?
  • How can I get (and use) the feedback I need?
  • How can I be concise and punchy, but still communicate nuance?
  • How can I enhance the visual appeal of my document?
  • How can I edit my own work?
  • How can I brush up on my grammar and proofreading skills?
  • Have any rules of writing changed lately?

Check out the Table of Contents, Sample chapter, and Reader Reviews HERE. You can also purchase your copy in e-book or paperback format right on that page.


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